Weed Management

Updated 01/08/2024 includes recommendations if you do or don’t have a restricted use pesticide license.  
When planting  open pollinated corn it is highly recommended that you have a good weed management plan.
Keep in mind that our seed corn is open pollinated and non-gmo… if roundup (glyphosate) touches it it will die.
If using herbicides always read and follow the label! :

2024  Suggestions:

Using Herbicides:Things to consider: weeds that are up, weeds that you expect to see, cost, time, use restrictions, and next year’s crop.

Suggested corn herbicide program for 2024 always read and follow the labels!

*Costs are approximates and are likely to vary.

2024 Suggested Herbicide Plan includes residual herbicides to control grasses and broad leaves.  

Goals: no weeds until corn is taller than 1ft 

approximate prices are included.

No spray license?  Check out this no-till plan:

2 weeks before planting  (around April 10 if you hope to plant April 24)

  1. Brawl II or other S-metolachlor product choose the max labeled rate for your soil type 1-2 pints will cost $6 / ac up to $12 / acre.  
  2. Glyphosate $9.50 / acre.
  3. Ammonium sulfate makes the glyphosate work better  (sprayable)  $1.60
  4. Sharpen herbicide if you have any marestail or any glyphosate resistant broad leaf weeds.  $8 – $15.00 /  acre  **do not use sharpen for fresh market sweet corn unless the label allows it.
  5. **If you have a pesticide license a little atrazine will help here.  Atrazine 90 DF 0.6lbs / ac  $3.60/acre

If you have green weeds sprouting prior to planting then spray another dose of glyphosate before planting or before the corn emerges.   (you can only get away with spraying glyphosate after planting and before emergence if the furrow is closed very well and no risk of rain that day)   

Plant Corn

Post Emerge Corn  (after grass weeds like foxtail start growing but before the weeds are taller than 2 inches)   This comes around very quickly as you may still have corn to plant.  You will want to have the following on hand because if 2024 is like 2023 sometimes you have to wait on an order.  

Make sure you have thoroughly rinsed you spray tank.  Just a little bit of glyphosate can cause stunting and hurt ear development  in the near future.

  1.  Laudis 3 oz / acre $13.35
  2. Primero 0.5 oz / acre $7
  3. Use MSO (methylated seed oil)  1 gallon / 100 gallons of spray mix
  4. Ammonium sulfate (sprayable) 8.5 lbs / 100 gallons of spray mix.
  5. ***If you have a pesticide license Atrazine 90 DF works well here. Atrazine 90 DF 1 lbs /ac $5.5 / ac

If any Broadleaf escapes ie. Morning glory, ragweed (Laudis seems to control ragweed better than Mesotrione ).. 

  1. Status at 5 oz costs  $23.40 * Not for sweet corn check the label **You should not need this if you did good up to here.

Hopefully you don’t have additional grass escapes but if you do you will need to use

  1.  Accent Q at up to .9 oz / acre costing about $19.00 along with

2.  Crop Oil Concentrate  (can cause injury so use slightly lower than recommended rate)

3.  Ammonium sulfate 8.5 lbs / 100 gallons of spray in the tank.

*Suggested corn herbicide program for 2024 always read and follow the label!

Foxtails are usually the biggest challenge for conventional corn and must be controlled early.  S-Metolachlor will not kill any foxtail that is emerged.  

S-Metolachlor is the new formulation of Metolachlor.   Herbicides with S-Metolachlor will likely be more effective than the Me-TOO-Lachlor II recommended but they are also more expensive.  If you are concerned about application timing or have a lot of foxtail seed from previous years you may want to use the S-Metolachlor formulation for instance Brawl II.

Read the labels and consider your next crop when choosing herbicides.  

Contact us we will try to help you develop a plan that will work for you.

No Herbicide:
Preplant:  Tillage
Post emerge: cultivate with a good cultivator This may turn out better than you think if you did a good job planting.  It will turn out even better if you spin on some urea before you cultivate.
As always feel free to call or e-mail with any questions.  We will do our best to point you in the right direction based on your situation.
Also feel free to forward any suggestions from experience.
Informative links:
Injury symptoms? Check out: https://www.btny.purdue.edu/Extension/Weeds/HerbInj2/InjuryHerb1.html

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